In a world evolving so fast, with little time to stop and pay attention, in a world when everybody re-invents the selves, in a world where everybody wants to be better and live better, the real winners are the ones who differentiate by being simple, consistent and relevant.
It might seem surprising, but really it shouldn’t. Allow me to demonstrate …
Simplicity: a clean and clear message is easy to be understood, related to and followed. Owning yourself is the winning ticket and people who own themselves are confident, don’t need to make an effort to be noticed, are quiet and patient. The louder the person, the less interesting is for those around. The type of person you are defines the level of professional success you will achieve and the quality of your reputation.
My advice: find what defines you, find your word, and stick to it. Communicate it elegantly and you will own it.
Consistency: communicate the same message using different meanings and all available media. Do not fall into the trap of adapting the message according to the communication tool, but rather be creative and adapt the tools to communicate the same message. The key here is to communicate the same, identical message. Consistency means that regardless of the time and the place, your message is simple, clear and identical.
My advice: communicate yourself in order to establish your self, to position yourself in your industry and beyond and to own that position.
Relevancy: apart from your message being clean, clear and consistent, it has to also make sense and be interesting to your audience. In becoming successful, one challenge is to becoming a resource. Long lasting professional success is built on knowledge, experience and expertise. Knowledge comes from continuous education, which gives you credibility, experience comes from life skills, which adds emotional intelligence and expertise comes from specializing and enhances your logic. Never compromise on those!
My advice: to be successful you have to be relevant for those you address and be true to who you are.
It might seem to be an easy process, but I dare say it actually is a very challenging one. In a world like the one we live in where being as intricate as possible, leap-frogging makes you the “smart” one and pretending is the norm, it might seem foolish to go for simplicity, consistency and relevancy. The choice you make should be based on what your goals are: a quick and meteoric success or a solid and long-lasting one. The choice is yours…